What to expect of your Chiropractic care at Hay St Chiro
Your first initial consultation will involve a full orthopaedic, neurological examination as well as x-ray to analyse biomechanical abnormality. On your second visit you will get a full report of finding from the tests done on first visit and you will be explained in details what your problem is, how we can treat it and how long it is going to take.
Subsequent visit will be spinals adjustment straight to the area of your spine seen and explained on second visit. If needed, your shoulder, elbow, wrist or hip, knee, ankle will be adjusted as well and you will also receive treatment on your muscle with a technique called ART or Acupuncture.
Ultra sound may or may not be used.
A series of exercises will be given once ready to start rehab. Once the problem is stabilised we always recommend wellness care where we keep a schedule visit to prevent the problem to reoccur and to maintain good spinal health. Pain is always the last thing to show and once the pain is there the problem is already established again… best to maintain good spinal health and live your life to your full potential!