Doctors of Chiropractic focus on the nervous system and its association with the spine. They are trained to adjust the misaligned vertebrae to their proper position by restoring normal range of motion in the spinal column. They do this manually, utilising the chiropractic procedure known as “spinal adjustment.” In our office, we use a combination of our hands in applying corrective pressure to the spine in a specific direction and location, and also with a specific table. The adjustment is delivered manually with gentle force or with an instrument called the activator. These techniques and tools help to restore the alignment and mobility of the vertebrae, and as a result the functioning of the entire body.
Under normal circumstances, chiropractic adjustments are painless. In case of acute injuries focus will be to use gentle technique until the swelling comes down.
No. The smooth articular surface becomes separated and releasing a small amount of gas creating a small vacuum, making a noise. Similar to when you “fart in the bath”. This is the sound made when you crack your knuckles. Your chiropractor is concerned with the position of your vertebrae, not with the noise that may occur.
No. Your chiropractor has their own chiropractor for regular tune-ups. Each adjustment is specific and localized. Your spine should not be ‘cracked’ by anyone that has not had the proper training as you can end up doing long-term damage.
Chiropractors (DC’s) must complete a five-year university degree and as such are primary health care providers. This means that like your general practitioner (GP) they have comprehensive knowledge of all systems of the body and diagnostic procedures. This enables the chiropractor to thoroughly evaluate a patient, address disorders relating to the spine, take and analyse from x rays and determine the need for referral to another health care provider. They have received extensive demanding and ongoing professional education on par with a medical doctor, focusing more on the nervous system than the effects on pharmaceutical drugs on the body.
No. As with any other heath service the choice of how long you choose to benefit from chiropractic care is ALWAYS up to you. We find once patients understand the relationship between their spine and overall health many choose to have regular chiropractic check ups, in the same way they get their teeth checked or their car serviced.